IDAC at the IDC'14 conference

During June 17-20, Olof, Eva, Wolmet, Sofia, Peter B and Robert from IDAC went to Aarhus in Denmark in order to attend the Interaction Design and Children Conference IDC’14 IDAC was involved in organizing 3 workshops: “Child-Robot Interaction: Social Bonding, Learning and Ethics”, “Interaction Design with Children with Disabilities” and “Curriculum or Not – Show Us How You Teach Interaction Design and Children!”, further, IDAC was represented by one short paper “Towards a Constructively Aligned Approach to Teaching Interaction Design & Children”.

We are also very proud of our students Cathrine Hedler and Jennie Berggren from Chalmers’ master’s program in interaction design, who presented their short paper “CamQuest: Design and Evaluation of a Tablet Application for Educational Use in Preschools”

Much exciting input and interesting discussions during these intensive days!