Barendregt, W. Torgersson, O. Eriksson, E. Börjesson, P. (2017) Intermediate-Level Knowledge in Child-Computer Interaction: A Call for Action. In Proceedings of IDC ’17, June 27-30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA.

Barendregt, W. ; Börjesson, P.; Eriksson, E.; Torgersson, O. (2017) StringForce – A Forced Collaborative Interaction Game for Special Education. In Proceedings of IDC ’17, June 27-30, 2017, Stanford, CA, USA.

Barendregt, W. ; Börjesson, P.; Eriksson, E.; Torgersson, O. (2017). Who do we Design for and with? – Reflections on IDC Special Needs Research. Position paper in workshop Equity & Inclusivity in conjunction with IDC’17, June 27, Stanford, CA, USA.

Eriksson, E, Börjesson, P. Torgersson, O. (2017) Only for and with Children with Autism, or Mixed groups? – Reflections on IDC Special Needs Research. Position paper for workshop Interaction Design and Autistic Children in conjunction with ACM IDC’17, June 27, Stanford, CA, USA.

Börjesson, P, Eriksson, E, Torgersson, O. (2017) Deceive or Democratize? – PD and Children with Special Needs. Position paper for workshop Analyzing Children’s Contributions and Experiences in Co-design Activities: Synthesizing Productive Practices in conjunction with ACM IDC’17, June 27, Stanford, CA, USA.

Licentiate Thesis:

Börjesson P. (2017) Designing for and with developmentally diverse children in the special education context. Licentiate Thesis, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


Barendregt, W. ; Bekker, M. M. ; Börjesson, P.; Eriksson, E.; Torgersson, O. (2016). Legitimate Participation in the Classroom Context – Adding Learning Goals to Participatory Design. Proceedings of IDC 2016.

Barendregt, W. ; Bekker, M. M. ; Börjesson, P.; Eriksson, E.; Torgersson, O. (2016). The Role Definition Matrix: Creating a Shared Understanding of Children’s Participation in the Design Process. Proceedings of IDC 2016.

Börjesson, P. (2016). Participatory Design with and for Children and Teachers in Special Education Schools, 14th International Conference on Participatory Design. Position paper for Doctoral Consortium.

Eriksson, E. Börjesson P, Heath C, Ljungstrand P, Barendregt W, Torgersson O, Swinkels N. (2016). Perspectives on Digital Fabrication and Making in Special Education. Poster at FabLearn Europe 2016

Eva Eriksson; Carl Heath; Peter Ljungstrand; Niels Swinkels; ERIK EINEBRANT (2016).
Children:MAKE – Promotion of Children’s Rights through Soft Power and Making. Poster at FabLearn Europe 2016

Eva Eriksson; Peter Börjesson (2016). Enhancing Communication between Children and Parents – A Story of Participation in Special Education. Position paper to workshop in conjunction with PDC’16, Aarhus, Denmark.

Eva Eriksson; Carl Heath; Wolmet Barendregt; Olof Torgersson; Peter Ljungstrand; Erik Einebrant; Niels Swinkels (2016). Makerspace in School – Experiences from a Large-Scale National Testbed. Paper at FabLearn Europe 2016.

Helle Marie Skovbjerg, M.M. Bekker, Wolmet Barendregt . Being Explicit about Underlying Values, Assumptions and Views when Designing for Children in the IDC Community. Proceedings of IDC 2016, 2016

Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt, Dennis Kuester, Aidan Jones, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira et al. 2016. Students’ Normative Perspectives on Classroom Robots. What Social Robots Can and Should Do, 2016

Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt, Asimina Vasalou, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Aidan Jones et al. 2016 The case of classroom robots: teachers’ deliberations on the ethical tensions
AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, Volym June 2016.

Ingemar Holgersson, Wolmet Barendregt, Jonas Emanuelsson, Torgny Ottosson, Elisabeth Rietz Leppänen et al. 2016. Fingu—A Game to Support Children’s Development of Arithmetic Competence: Theory, Design and Empirical Research International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives, Springer.

Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt. 2016.  Robots Tutoring Children: Longitudinal Evaluation of Social Engagement in Child-Robot Interaction  Proceedings of NordiCHI 2016, 2016

Lynne Hall, Colette Hume, Sarah Tazzyman, Amol A. Deshmukh, Srinivasan Janarthanam et al.
2016. Map reading with an empathic robot tutor .11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016

Wolmet Barendregt. 2016.  Handing Differences in Skills: Parents and Kids Playing Trime and Little Big Planet . Well Played, Volym 5, Nummer/häfte 1, Sidor 26-45 2016

Camilla Björklund, Wolmet Barendregt 2016. Teachers’ Pedagogical Mathematical Awareness in Swedish Early Childhood Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Volym 60, Nummer/häfte 3, Sidor 359-377 2016

Master thesis:

Liza Arvidsson, Linda Persson. Evaluation of TellMe, a three-way communication tool for the Special Education Context. Master thesis – Department of Applied Information Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; 2016:130, 2016.

Bachelor thesis:

Alexander Alvmo ; Amanda Belfrage ; Andreas Henriksson ; Emina Hromic ; Lisa Lipkin ; Mikael Lönn (2016). CirKva – Ett spel som sträcker sig över flera iPads, anpassat för barn med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Bachelor thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.

SARA JOHANSSON ; David Hallberg Jönsson ; Louise Johannesson ; Francine Mäkelä ; Emma Lindholm. (2016) Mindventure – Mjukvaruprototyp av ett hjärnstyrt spel för samarbete mellan elever i grundsärskolan.  Bachelor thesis, Chalmers University of Technology.


Lundgren S. Torgersson O., Björk S. Thrimage: An Empathy-Oriented Discussion Tool for Classroom Use. MobileHCI ’15: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, 2015

Börjesson P., Barendregt W., Eriksson E., Torgersson O. Designing Technology for and with Developmentally Diverse Children – A Systematic Literature Review. IDC’15 in June, Boston USA. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2015).

Boström P. and Eriksson E. Design for Self-Reporting Psychological Health in Children with Intellectual Disabilities. IDC’15 in June, Boston USA. ACM Press, NY, USA, (2015).

Börjesson P. Designing with and for Groups of Developmentally Diverse Children. IDC’15 in June, Boston USA. Position paper for Doctoral Consortium (2015).

Eriksson E., Torgersson O. (2015) EVALUATING DESIGN FOR SPECIFIC USER GROUPS – DEVELOPMENT OF CRITERIA FOR A DESIGN AWARD. In proceedings of EAD’15 – The European academy of design conference, Paris, France, 2015.

Eriksson E., Torgersson O. (2015) “IT IS REALLY HARD TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE THAT ARE THAT DIFFERENT FROM ME“- EVALUATING AN IDC CURRICULUM. In proceedings of EAD’15 – The European academy of design conference, Paris, France, 2015.

Barendregt W., Börjesson P., Eriksson E., Torgersson O. Getting it Right – Unfolding Factors for Reporting on Participatory Design with Children with Special Needs. Position paper for the workshop “Unfolding participation”, in conjunction with The Fifth Decennial Aarhus Conference 17- 21 August 2015, Aarhus, Denmark (2015).


Eva Eriksson; Olof Torgersson; Caterina Calefato; Chiara Ferrarini (2014). Curriculum or Not – Show Us How You Teach Interaction Design and Children! In proceedings of IDC’14, ACM New York.

Calefato C; Catani L; Charlton J; Cook S; Eriksson E; Ferrarini C; Gosling E; Nicolle C;                  Torgersson O. (2014) – Nominated for best paper 2014 – Training designers for more vulnerable generations – a quest for more inclusive design. Journal of Interaction Design and Architecture, 21, p. 25-36.

Sofia Serholt, Christina Basedow, Wolmet Barendregt, Mohammad Obaid. Comparing a Humanoid Tutor to a Human Tutor Delivering an Instructional Task to Children. 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2014

Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt. Students’ Attitudes towards the Possible Future of Social Robots in Education. Workshop proceedings of RO-MAN 2014, Konferensbidrag – refereegranskat abstract 2014

Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt, I. Leite, H. Hastie, A. Jones et al. Teachers’ Views on the Use of Empathic Robotic Tutors in the Classroom. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2014

M.M. Bekker, Wolmet Barendregt, P. Markopoulos, J. Read. Teaching Interaction Design and Children: Understanding the Relevance of Theory for Design. Interaction Design & Architecture, Volym 21, 2014

Eva Eriksson; Wolmet Barendregt; Staffan Björk; Olof Torgersson; Magnus Eriksson; Carl Heath; Peter Ljungstrand(2014). Digital Fabrication by IDAC – Aims, Steps and Transferable Principles. In proceedings of Fablearn Europe 2014, Aarhus, DK. Full Text:

Eva Eriksson; Olof Torgersson; Wolmet Barendregt; Robert Fohlin; Carl Heath; Karin Slegers; Tobias Sonne; Anders-Petter Andersson (2014). Interaction Design with Children with Disabilities. In proceedings of IDC’14, ACM New York. Full text:

Eva Eriksson; Olof Torgersson (2014). Towards a Constructively Aligned Approach to Teaching Interaction Design & Children. In proceedings of IDC’14, ACM, New York.


Caterina Calefato; Eva Eriksson; Chiara Ferrarini; Olof Torgersson; Roberto Montanari (2013). Increasing Focus on Vulnerable Generations in Design Teaching: the DEVICE Project. In proceedings of HFES’13. Ful text:

Barendregt, W., von Feilitzen, M. (2013) A Course on Interaction Games and Learning for Interaction Design Students. Accepted for FDG 2013.

Ferrarini C., Eriksson E., Montanari R., Sims R. (2013) The DEVICE Project: Development of Educational Programs with a Specific Focus on Design for Children. In proceedings of Interaction design and children IDC’13, in New York, USA. ACM Press, NY. Full text:

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. (2013) Exploring the Potential of the Drawing Intervention Method for Design and Evaluation by Young Children. CHI2013 Work in Progress.

Barendregt, W., Karlsson, N., Lindström, B., Holgersson, I. Rietz-Leppänen, E., Ottosson, T. (2013). Lessons from the Evaluation of a Game for Developing Number Sense. Workshop paper at CHI2013.

Eva Eriksson, Stine Liv Johansen. (2013) Playful Technology – Design of Children’s Library Services. In proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Design Conference: Crafting the future, Gothenburg, Sweden, April, 2013.

Eriksson E., Torgersson O. (2013) Teaching Interaction Designers How to Design for Vulnerable generations. In proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Design Conference: Crafting the future, Gothenburg, Sweden, April, 2013.

Deshmuck, A., Castellano, G., Kappas, A., Barendregt, W., Nabais, F., Paiva, A., Ribeiro, T., Leite, I., Aylett, R. (2013). Towards Empathic Artificial Tutors. Proceedings of HRI, March 3-6, Tokyo.

Barendregt, W. (2012). You Have to Die! Parents and Children Playing Cooperative Games. Proceedings of IDC, 12-15 June, Bremen.

Barendregt, W., Lindström, B., Rietz-Leppänen, E. Holgersson, I., Ottosson, T. (2012) Development and Evaluation of Fingu: A Mathematics iPad Game Using Multi-touch Interaction. Proceedings of IDC, 12-15 June, Bremen.


Lindström, B., Holgersson, I., Ottosson, T., Barendregt, W. (2011) Fingers as tools for doing and learning basic arithmetics. Symposium: « Embodied and material aspects of cognition: implications for research and practice » Skriv! Les! The Nordic Conference on Writing and Reading University of Stavanger, Norway 30.05. – 01.06., 2011

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M. (2011) The influence of the level of free-choice learning activities on the use of an educational computer game. Computers & Education, 55(4), Pages 80-90.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M.M. (2011) Children may expect drag-and-drop instead of point-and-click. Proceedings of CHI2011 – WiP.

Sehlberg, T., Barendregt, W., Rubens, N. (2011). KanjiLearningLabDemo: Memorizing Kanji in a Playful Way. Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Athens, Greece.

Eriksson E. (2011) U.F.O.scope! – Families Playing Together at the Public Library. In Legende familier i biblioteket – Inspirationskatalog. Borgerservice og Biblioteker, Aarhus Kommune. ISBN: 978-87-89860-92-3


Barendregt, W. (2010) Moving from the school to the home situation: introducing an educational game in three different schools. SIG EARLI Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Eva Eriksson (2010). U.F.O.scope! – Families Playing Together at the Public Library. In Proceedings of DIS 2010. Aarhus, Denmark ACM press, New York.


Barendregt, W., Emanuelsson, J., Lindström, B. (2009) The Number Practise Game: Visual Recognition of Numerosity and Children’s Early Development in Mathematics. Digital proceedings the 39th SAGSET Conference, Leeds.


Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M., (2008) Development and Evaluation of the Picture Cards Method, Cognition Technology and Work, Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2008, Pages 95-105.

Bekker, M.M., Baauw, E. and Barendregt, W. (2008) A Comparison of two Analytical Evaluation Methods for educational Computer Games for young Children, Cognition Technology and Work, Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2008, Pages 129-140.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. Lindström, B. (2008) Entertainment and education in a serious game to learn English, Extended Abstracts of the International Conference on Fun and Games 2008, Pages 18-21.

Dalsgård P., Dindler C., Eriksson E. (2008). Designing for participation in public knowledge institutions. In Conference Proceedings of NordiCHI 2008.


Eva Eriksson; Andreas Lykke-Olesen (2007). StorySurfer – A Playful Book Browsing Installation for Children’s Libraries In proceedings of IDC’07. ACM, Aalborg, Denmark, 2007.


Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M., Bouwhuis, D. G., Baauw, E. (2006a) Predicting effectiveness of children participants in user testing based on personality characteristics. Behavior & Information Technology, 26(2), Pages 133-147.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M., Bouwhuis, D. G., Baauw, E. (2006b) Identifying usability and fun problems in a computer game during first use and after some practice. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Volume 64, Issue 9, September 2006, Pages 830-846.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M., 2006. Developing a coding scheme for detecting usability and fun problems in computer games for young children. Behavior Research Methods, 38(3), Pages 382-389.

Lundgren S, Torgersson O, Hallnäs L, Eriksson E, Ljungstrand P. (2006) Programming in Design & Designing Programmers – Educating Interaction Design. In Proceedings of Wonderground 2006 Design Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Nov.


Dindler C. Eriksson E., Iversen O.S., Lykke-Olesen A., Ludvigsen M. (2005) Mission from Mars –  a method for exploring user requirements for children in a narrative space. In conference Proceedings of IDC – Interaction Design for children Boulder Colorado. ACM Press, NY.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M. (2005a) Development and evaluation of the Picture Card Method. ‘Children Computer Interaction: Methodological Research’ workshop at INTERACT -05 Conference, Rome, Italy, Pages 15-19.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M. (2005b) Extended guidelines for usability (and fun) testing with children. Proceedings of SIGCHI.NL Conference 2005, HCI Close to You, Den Haag.

Barendregt, W., Bekker, M. M. (2005c) Developing a coding scheme for detecting usability and fun problems in computer games for young children. Measuring Behavior 2005 Conference, 31 August 2005, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Page 45.

Baauw, E., Bekker, M.M., Barendregt, W. (2005) A structured expert evaluation method for the evaluation of children’s computer games. INTERACT 2005 Conference, Rome, Italy, Pages 457-469.

Markopoulos, M., Barendregt, W., Brus, M., Plakman, I., (2005) The Parent Evaluator Method. ‘Children Computer Interaction: Methodological Research’ workshop at INTERACT 2005 Conference, Rome, Italy, Pages 36-38.

Baauw, E., Bekker, M.M., Barendregt, W. (2005) A structured expert evaluation method for the evaluation of children’s computer games. INTERACT 2005 Conference, Rome, Italy, Pages 457-469.

Markopoulos, M., Barendregt, W., Brus, M., Plakman, I., (2005) The Parent Evaluator Method. ‘Children Computer Interaction: Methodological Research’ workshop at INTERACT 2005 Conference, Rome, Italy, Pages 36-38.