Gothenburg Working Group for Interaction Design and Children (IDAC) is a joint venture between the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and the Department of Applied IT at University of Gothenburg and RISE Swedish ICT. IDAC is a working group consisting of researchers and practitioners focused on designing interaction for and with children in Sweden. The group was formed in 2013.
We are working with user centred design, where the children, their parents, families, teachers and caregivers can participate as co-designers in the design process. The direct involvement of users as co-designers is an essential methodology for us, as it empowers the users to form their own tools and contexts. In our work we also aim for intertwining the physical, interactional, social and digital materials and opportunities surrounding children. IDAC further acknowledges play as a basic design parameter in the context of interaction design and children: playing with design, using play in designs and in designing itself.
An important aim of IDAC is to communicate new knowledge and provide tools and models to a broader community of professionals working with children, as well as families and designers. Accordingly, we aim for openness and make results freely available for everyone for teaching as well as research use.

IDAC is located in Kuggen at Lindholmen in Gothenburg
To get in touch with us: eva.eriksson( at )