
dagbok-logo TellMe is a three way communication tool that serves two main purposes. Firstly, it aims to improve the communication between parents and teachers at school and secondly to enable communication between the children and their parents about their school day. TellMe consists of two applications, Kontaktboken and Dagboken. Kontaktboken provides the teachers and parents with a way to communicate with each other and to read the children’s diaries. The diary (Dagboken) lets the child create diary entries, alone or together with an adult. This opens up for family conversations about emotions related to the child’s daily activities and how they were experienced by the child which in turn can function as a support for the child’s emotional development. Consequently, the application TellMe consist of two basic components: a diary and a contact book. Dagboken is a tablet based application that the children can use, on their own or with help from an adult (e.g. a teacher or parent), to post diary updates about their day. The diary entries are composed by text and pictures. Kontaktboken is a smartphone application through which the parents and teachers can read the student’s diary updates and communicate with each other through a messaging function.

See a movie from Pedagog Göteborg about TellMe in use HERE

Kontaktboken can be downloaded from appstore HERE

Dagboken can be downloaded from appstore HERE